Thursday, November 19, 2015

I Will Create an Ecosystem of Joy

Today was a turning point in my life. Because today I decided that if I learn nothing else–ever–in my life–I WILL learn to create a happy ecosysteminside of myself, and to be the happiest person on the planet. I will.
It will not be How to be Consistent or How to Parent that I learn first and foremost. It will not be Being Artsy or Being Different that will be the mark of my life. It will not be Business and Money Stuff. It will not be Writing or Speaking or Saying Amazing Things. It will be Joy. I will learn Joy.
I know this is my life calling. I know it precisely because using words to create life “faellt mir so schwer”(is so hard for me–my German mother tongue still does sometimes prevail!) Satan has a little party going on there trying to thwart my tongue. Trying to mess it all up by causing me to give up on the practice of learning to use my words to create the future. I will climb this mountain. There is so much resistance that I just have to conquer it. I will. I will be happy.
“Happiness is not an accident. It is the result of rejoicing. Doing joy over and over. It means that you’re proactively repeating joy. And when you’re rejoicing, you begin to actively create an ecosystem inside of you.” -Kris Vallotton
It seems that every time I am really in need of being lifted out of my own dark thoughts, and I turn on a K.V. sermon, the earth of my soul is so plowed up and turned inside out that I can’t help but take a different attitude.
I was really having the worst day yesterday. I woke up with a migraine and had no idea why. I had to tell my children to take care of the baby in the morning so I could sleep a little more. When I woke up at 8:30 again, of course they had all been up for quite some time, and every mother knows that is never a fun scenario. I started listening to this podcast fairly early in the day. And it rocked me because the Holy Spirit is inside of me jumping up and down. “THIS is truth. THIS is truth.”
So we got through breakfast and got through school and took a nap instead of exercise, and I am internalizing it all even through a migraine. And the next day the migraine is still there and I sleep in again, and you know…
Some days you have to just feed them all pumpkin pie for breakfast and have faith that it is healthy. And then you have to dance around to Sheryl Crowe in your pajamas,because we have to learn to do joy. Over and over. Whatever it takes, let’s MAKE joy. THIS is much more important than their history lesson. It is a FUTURE lesson. A lesson in how to create our own future–and the bright future of the world–with our powerful will and our words.
The headache went away after the Sheryl Crowe pajama dancing. And so will the grumpies.

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